So many of you have been praying consistently for my family since my post in February.  I am so thankful to be surrounded by people of prayer.

I want you to know that your prayers are making a difference.  They sustained me during the recent Hearts at Home conference.  They have given me courage to love even in this difficult season.  Your prayers have put a hedge of protection around my children.  And more than anything, your prayers have broken through spiritual warfare that has been at the core of this dark season of my life.

I want you to know that healing is taking place. Grace, love, forgiveness, and hope are prevailing.  God is changing and molding both of us.

Our conversations are now centered on healing and hope.  We’re discussing a transition home.  We’re enjoying more time together than time apart these days.

I am humbled.



Thank you for your partnership and your prayers.  It means the world to me.

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