Last week I took one of my boys to the pediatrician for a check-up.  My allergies have been a mess over the past two weeks and the intake nurse and I chatted about that a bit.  Then she said, “Did you know that you can buy a generic version of Zyrtec at the Dollar Tree Store: 14 doses for 1$? The active ingredient in Zyrtec is Cetirizine and the Dollar Tree stores carry it.”  I told her I had no idea, and I profusely thanked her for that bit of information.

If you don’t have allergies, you might not understand how valuable this information is. Zyrtec runs in the vicinity of $20 a bottle for 30 tablets.  That’s expensive!  Even the generics you can get at the big box stores aren’t as good of a deal as the Dollar Tree deal.

I headed off to the Dollar Tree to see if I could find them and sure enough…she was right!

I shop the Dollar Tree stores for toothpaste, greeting cards (cards are .50) and a variety of other things. You can bet I’ll be adding this generic of Zyrtec to my shopping list now!

What about you? What is the best Dollar store deal you’ve ever found?

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