Make birdseed treats for the birds, spreading pine cones with peanut butter, seeds, etc

Offer to help Grandma, an older neighbor, a widow, or someone who’s been sick to put away their Christmas decorations or accomplish a task they’d like to get done.

Give your teens a notebook to write in.  Tell them to dream a little and set some goals for their life.

Looking ahead:

Make a time caspule for New Year’s Eve..You can use a pringles can or oatmeal box. Put memories, predictions, jokes, wishes, fears…and we read them on New Years next year!




Thinking ahead:  Plan a “Stay in your PJ’S and Watch Movies Day.”  Complete with popcorn and hot chocolate.  If your kids are younger you can pull out those boxes you saved from Christmas presents and let them make “cars” out of the cardboard boxes for a “drive-in” movie.  You can even set up a card table with concessions (hot chocolate bar, candy, and popcorn)!

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