You know what I love about God?

He’s all about FRESH STARTS!

Seriously, there are so many stories in the Bible about fresh starts. In the Old Testament there’s Noah. Abraham. Ruth.  In the New Testament there’s woman caught in adultery, the disciples, and even Saul whose fresh start included a name change to Paul.

God even built starting over into our daily rhythm. Every 24 hours is a new day. A chance to begin again. A fresh start!

This month I am reminded of fresh starts in so many ways:

  • Mark and I started Whole 30 on January 1. It’s a fresh start with healthy eating.
  • 9780802412690In just a few weeks, Hearts at Home is releasing Screens and Teens by Dr. Kathy Koch. It’s all about initiating some fresh starts for your family with technology.
  • Next Monday, Mark and I will be launching a unique two week blog series on finding fresh starts in marriage.
  • Hearts at Home is launching a new year of conferences. This year’s conferences feature Lysa Terkeurst, Dr. Gary Chapman, Ken Davis, and over a dozen workshop speakers who will provide just the wisdom you need for your parenting journey.

Third-Thursday-Thoughts (1)Today is our Third Thursday Blog Hop.   Click on the links below to find more encouragement on starting fresh! (If you receive my blog by email, you can find the blog hop links here!)

What about you? What fresh starts are you beginning? You can share the fresh starts you are experiencing by posting a comment here.

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