Dear Jill,

Tonight I’m writing to you asking some advice, wisdom, and maybe some strength and encouragement sent my way. We are moving our oldest daughter to college and seriously I am kinda doing the “happy dance” tonight! Awful as it may sound, that is the truth because sadly we have reached a point we just don’t get along the best.

She has taken the path of “I will do and say what I feel and want no matter what you say. I will come home when I want and you best give me what I want when I want it or else.” Do you get what I am saying?

Anyway quite some time ago I remember you writing about your younger daughter moving out and you kind of being okay with it as your relationship was also rocky at that time. Am I remembering right? Then some time later she ended up moving home and things were better.

I guess guilt is hitting me a bit for feeling the way I do but truly I want my home and heart back and just some space to breath.

THANKS~A weary mom


Dear Weary Mom,

What you are feeling is NORMAL! We felt that way after the difficult years with our younger daughter (you remember right, I wrote about that here),  but we also felt that way with our two older kids who we had very few issues with during their high school years. I think it’s God’s way of making the nest uncomfortable and telling us and them that it’s time to cut some ties.

No guilt needed. It’s time for a break for you and for her! This is what is supposed to happen!


PS note that just arrived from Weary Mom: 

We just got home from getting her moved into her room at college and it was a long day. She is having a very hard time being there and being left, which was surprising to us! Tears were shed and many hugs were given! I do think once she adjusts it will be good and growth will take place! Thanks again!

How about you? Have you struggled feeling guilty that your child is in school full days or is heading off to college? How have you worked through those emotions? 

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